








联系人:赵元 订购热线:155-3180-0576 装石头专用石头笼子,石头笼子护坡,海岸防护石头笼子,我公司经过多年经验一点一滴的积累,汇集成现在规模宏大、畅销国内外,在中国享有“丝网之乡”的安平县有着举足轻重、无法替代的地位! 石头笼子的优点: 如良好的生态可恢复性,变形性能良好,整体性强,透水性良好,结构耐久,造价低,制作,运输,施工方便,易于维护和改造等, 可用于公路铁路边坡支护、矿山护坡、桥墩加固、海岸防护、河岸河床防护、防波堤、建筑外墙装饰、独立装饰石笼结构等。 石头笼子的用途: 1、控制和引导河流及洪水; 2、泄洪坝和导流坝; 3、岩崩防护; 4、大桥保护; 5、固土结构; 6、海滨防御工程; 7、港口工程; 8、挡土墙; 9、道路防护; 10.防止水土流失等 顾客就是上帝,让您舒心放心是我们终的心愿! 我厂宗旨 : 重合同 守信誉,厂家直销,无中间商。 产品质量优良,交货时间快,价格更优惠。 Contact: ychao ordering hotline: 155-3180-0576 Special stone stone cage, stone cage slope protection, the coast guard stone cage, my company after many years of experience in the accumulation of every little bit, assemble a large scale, now sold at home and abroad, in China enjoy \"silk screen of the township\" anpingxian an important and irreplaceable position! The advantages of stone cage: Such as good ecological recoverability, deformation performance is good, strong integrity, good permeability, durable structure, low cost, the production, transportation, construction is convenient, easy maintenance and modification, etc., Can be used for highway railway slope support, mining slope protection, pier reinforcement, coastal protection and river bed protection, breakwater, building exterior wall decoration, decorative stone cage structure independently. The stone cage of use: 1, control and guide the rivers and floods; 2 and the diversion dam, spillway dam; 3, rockfall protection; 4, bridge protection; 5, the structure of the solid earth; 6, coastal defense engineering; 7, port engineering; 8, retaining wall; 9, road protection; 10. To prevent soil erosion, etc The customer is god, let you comfortable trust is our ultimate wish! Our tenet: the contract and keep credibility, direct manufacturers, no middlemen. Excellent product quality, fast delivery time, price is more favorable.